Embedding IDs in Links

You can include a user id or email hash in any url parameter formatted to the below specification and ezoic will automatically read the parameter from the URL and provide the identity information to advertising providers.

We recommend using a UTM parameter, though any parameter will work.

Here are some examples of accepted values

Field Example
id www.publisher-website.com/mypage?utm_content=zid-123
md5 www.publisher-website.com/mypage?utm_source=zmd5-1a2b3c
sha256 www.publisher-website.com/mypage?utm_myparam=zsha256-1a2b3c
sha1 www.publisher-website.com/mypage?myparam=zsha1-1a2b3c
Providing the user ID will often be the most effective way to pass identity data but will only available if you have completed an email service integration.
If you are only providing email hashes, you can include multiple hashed emails in the URL. SHA256 is recommended, but you can pass any combination of the three hashes!