Email Service Integration

Our identity solution empowers publishers to optimize ad performance for traffic originating from newsletters and email campaigns. By passing secure signals through URL parameters, we can leverage hashed email addresses and other first-party data. This data is integrated with various identity solutions, allowing us to enhance ad bid requests. As a result, advertisers can place higher bids and increase ad fill rates, ultimately boosting revenue for publishers.

Here's how it works:

  1. Syncing Emails: Publishers sync their email lists with Ezoic's secure system, which utilizes a unique subscriber or contact ID provided by the newsletter platform. If a subscriber/contact ID isn't available, Ezoic generates a unique ID and adds it back to the publisher's email list as a tag, merge tag, or custom field, depending on their email service provider. This ID is then used by Ezoic to identify website visitors when they arrive from newsletters or email campaigns. Ezoic supports direct API integrations with many top email newsletter providers, and also offers the option to connect through our Ezoic API for seamless integration with any other provider.

  2. Embedding IDs in Links: The publisher includes this unique user ID as a UTM parameter in any outbound website links within their newsletters or email campaigns (for example:

  3. Identifying Visitors: When the user arrives on the website after clicking a link containing one of these user IDs, Ezoic reads the ID from the URL. We use this ID to identify the user and generate an email hash, which is then sent, along with any other available first-party data, to multiple identity providers, such as UID2 by The Trade Desk.

  4. Improving Ad Targeting: Advertisers and agencies using demand-side platforms (DSPs) can match the email hashes to those their campaigns are targeting, effectively recognizing users across different platforms. The identity tokens derived from these hashes are then sent to the DSPs, enabling them to bid on ad inventory that aligns with their campaigns' target criteria.

This process leads to improved fill rates from demand partners and higher CPM rates. For instance, on iOS devices, whether using Safari or Chrome, advertisers cannot run premium retargeting campaigns that rely on third-party cookies, as these are not available on iOS. However, with an email hash, advertisers can still match their retargeting campaigns to customers or leads based on their email addresses.

Getting Started with Integration

Ezoic offers direct API integrations with many popular providers and provides our own simple, secure API for all other connections. Click on one of the links below for your preferred integration method to get step-by-step instructions.

BeeHiiv ActiveCampaign MailChimp